
Monday, November 21, 2011

That of Which We Boast

I love adventures.  I even love adventures when I don’t know where I’m going.  That’s why I’m in Georgia right now.  Staying in someone’s else’s house, eating borrowed food, not getting a job, and generally being incredibly irresponsible.

I’ve decided that I’m a little too good at getting lost.

Don’t worry.  So far, I’ve only had to turn my car around three times after missing the right road.  I am rather expecting that number to go up though.  No GPS this time.

Some skills you’re not supposed to be proud of.

“But let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.

So, if I don’t have a business plan - or a fail-safe blueprint - or a comprehensive question and answer sheet - or even a vague idea of how much it will cost - then I can say this.  And this is what I mean: I am here to know Jesus.  That’s really the bare heart of it.  How can I know Him unless I seek Him?  How can I seek Him unless I listen?  How can I listen unless I follow?

“Follow Me,” Jesus says.  “Give everything away, and then come, follow Me.”

It is a lot to give up, a lot to lose.  But it’s not too much.  He’s never yet asked more than I could afford to lose.  The things I let go of now seem like much as I open my hands to them.  As I ungrasp, as I let go.  Especially when I don’t have anything new to hold onto right away.

But some day in the light of Eternity . . . it will be as nothing.  It will be giving away a worthless rock to gain a priceless jewel.  It will be letting go of a bent, broken walking stick to hold the hand of God.  It will be walking away from a muddy, trickling creek for the vast, unending ocean.  I would rather lose all of it for a lifetime than lose Him for one day.