
Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Recurring Question

So . . . what’s next?

I get that question a lot.  After high school.  After Hong Kong.  After Oregon.  After leaping off a 25-foot bridge with nothing but a surprisingly calm raging river of death and destruction underneath.  Usually I shrug and say, “I dunno.  Sounded like a good idea at the time.”

Today I have a different answer for you.  It is this:

I hope you understood that.  Apparently, the structure for the words isn’t quite there yet.  Absent periods, commas, capital letters, and little things like that.  But no worries.  I’m on a quest to find the structure.

It’s waiting with my car in Gainesville, Georgia.

At least, that’s where I hope it is because that’s where I’m going.  A long time ago, I told God I didn’t think He made me to sit in a college classroom for four endless years, so I’d simply have to get my degree elsewhere.  I go where He tells me to go.  He’s the teacher.  I’m just hunched over the desk, scribbling frantically to keep up with the notes.

Next chapter: Georgia.

I have a vision that involves Haiti and underprivileged children and houses and families and the American church.  I have a vision that means stepping out into the unknown and learning a new language and sweating a lot.  I have a vision that requires a team.  I have a vision that’s going to cost everything.  It’s rather blurry around the edges, but it’s glowing with the light of the glory of God.  I don’t know much, but I do know who is leading me.

So, I’m headed down to Georgia.  On Thursday.  I’ll be back home for Christmas with my family and friends.

I think.

I’m going on faith and not on sight.

Goodbye, Nebraska.

. . . again.
O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee
Send a revival; start the work in me
Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need
For blessing now, O Lord, I humbly plead
(from the song “Cleanse Me” by J. Edwin Orr)