
Friday, October 21, 2011

Technology and Providence

It started out this morning.  We woke up late, stumbled into the living room, and blinked at each other.  “So . . . what are we doing today?”  Silence and a few shrugs.  Apparently, we didn’t really know.

“Uh, we’re meeting a couple people for lunch,” Lisa offered.

And after that?  Well, God knew.  He didn’t tell us.  But He knew.

That afternoon found me sitting in a white, stained-glass chapel playing a gorgeous grand piano to an invisible audience.  Basically, it was one step away from Heaven.  But wait.  It’s about to get better.

Lisa came in.  “So, we’re going to Lexington.  Something about a coffee shop.  Teri said we need to go.”  We didn’t know exactly which coffee shop.  Or why.  But we jumped in the van and started driving.

We had three options for coffee.  Lisa pulled out her smart phone and started researching.  Which one?  Which one?  Coffee Grounds.  One random pick out of three.  Why?  Cool name.  And one free cup of coffee.

We got ourselves some caffeine and a fruit smoothie, sat on a couch, and stared at the wall.  What are we doing here again?  Lisa got back on her phone.  Any tips for Coffee Grounds?  “Go to the back room and check out the books on the bookshelf.”

Well.  Beats staring at a wall.

She went to the back room.  Twenty minutes later, Teri and I thought maybe we should go see what was taking so long.  And that’s how we met Chris.  He was sitting by himself in this back room, and when we came in, he was telling Lisa all about his church.  We sat down and joined the conversation.  In the middle of which, Chris got a facebook message from a friend.  “Two free tickets to the Casting Crowns concert.  Tonight.”

He asked what we were doing for the rest of the evening.

“Uh, we don’t really know.” (That’s become our answer to quite a lot of things.)

Chris invited us to go to a free concert.

Woohoo!  We grabbed our coats and hurried out the door.  The concert hall was less than a mile away.

Oh, but wait.  There are four of us now, aren’t there?  And only two tickets . . . Oh, well!  “Maybe we’ll find two free tickets on the side of the road, just like the wallet,” we mused.

Apparently, God thought that was a pretty good idea.

We got to the concert hall and waited outside for Chris’s friend to come with the tickets.  While we stood there, we noticed a man standing next to us.  He was mumbling something and not looking too thrilled about it.  He was also holding two tickets in his hand.  “Free tickets,” he muttered again.

We kind of heard him, shrugged, and went back to talking.  Five minutes later, we looked at each other again.  “Free tickets?  Did he really say he had two free tickets?  Funny.  We could use two free tickets.”

So, we went and asked.

And that’s how we got four free tickets to a Casting Crowns concert in downtown Lexington.

Welcome to Kentucky.  Welcome to God’s sense of humor.  Welcome to a day in a life filled with technology and Providence.

. . . P.S.  Yeah, it was a pretty awesome concert too. :-)