
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Live From the Road

Here’s a video for y’all.  Week One of our Fall 2011 Dream Tour.  About a quarter of a half a tenth of what we’ve been up to.  Is anyone around here good at math?  Do you know what that means?

We’ve been blessed.  I guess that’s what we’re trying to say.  Our God said He would provide, and He has.  He said He’d watch out for us, and He has.  He said He’d be good and faithful and generous and true.  And He is.  Oh, how He is!

So, take this video as an invitation: We’d like you to share in the blessing.

(Oh, and thanks to Emily, Jenny, and Sarah for sharing your beautiful voices with us.  Your songs and hearts are an inspiration to us.)

Here's the video link: Fall 2011 Dream Tour: Week 1