
Monday, October 24, 2011

A Birthday Wish

This is a picture of Josh.  Well, and Lisa, Leeza, Tifany, Teri, Lilly, and me.

Josh is the guy.

I probably didn't need to say that, but just in case.  I met Josh in Haiti.  I wrote a a blog about his testimony Here.  Josh's birthday is coming up.  It's tomorrow actually.  This is his birthday wish:

A house.

Not for him.  For a lady called Monique.  She lives in Haiti.  She hand-washed our clothes every week for the two months we were down there.  Her house collapsed in the earthquake, and she's been living in a tent/shack sort of thing with her infant son.

Josh wants to help Monique.  I'd like to help Josh.  Here - These are his own words:

Help me raise $2,800 for my Birthday. I want to buy Monique a house in Haiti. $2,800 for my 28th birthday. I'm going back to Haiti on the 5th and would like to take the money with me so we can start construction. People can send money through, by clicking on "Send money" and putting in my email address or mailing a check (make out to "Joshua Smith") to 2021 Wilkens Ave. Baltimore, MD 21223 before the 3rd of November.