
Monday, January 16, 2012

Announcing an Announcement Relevant to the Announcements

I would like to share with you a list of announcements split up into bite-sized pieces so you don’t get bored . . . and I don’ t either.  However, before making these announcements, I am starting off with this very important announcement before the announcements about the announcements.

Is everyone with me so far?


Now that we’ve got that sorted.

Announcement #1:

(Which some of you know already.  But some of you don’t.  Because I am very good at communicating inside my head and not quite so good communicating outside of it.)

The eight songs that I recorded with my band last spring are now available on the Internet.  I believe they call this going public.

This is not your chance to make me famous.  It would be rather fun, wouldn’t it?  But your support isn’t going to make my CD go from gold to platinum.  It probably won’t even take it from paper to plastic.

Whatever that means.

What it is going to do is show you my heart.  The flabbergasted heart of a Bohemian who frequently wonders where she’s going and if she’s doing what she needs to do to get there.  A soldier waiting to follow her Captain’s lead.  A pilgrim headed home.

That’s what “Yours Alone” is about.  If you’re interested in that, click HERE.



Or you can be a rebel and ignore my links, get on Itunes, and search “Rebecca Johnson Yours Alone.”

(P.S. To all you who have heard this announcement already, I apologize.  I promise to spice things up a bit next time and say something completely unexpected.  Squirrel!)