
Friday, March 30, 2007

The Love of a Child

Children amaze me. In a world of frightful doubts and grim unknowns, we see them looking up to Heaven with wide, trusting eyes that whisper, “I believe.” How much we would change if we could but learn to mirror their untainted giggles and simple, adoring smiles. And when it comes to love, children are unmatched. They give generously, fearlessly, boundlessly, with a richness purer than gold and a power that armies could never take away.

Not so long ago, I was at a point in my life where I had to uproot myself from one much-loved location to move to another. In this process, I found myself positively drenched with gifts beyond all my expectations. I would like to share the story of one of those gifts.

There is a little boy, not yet a teenager, who went to a jewelry store and began meticulously studying every hand-crafted piece therein. But when at last he had seen the last of the wares, he had to shake his head sadly and tell the waiting jewelry-maker, “No, it is not here.” Understanding this, the craftsman took the boy to the back of the store to show him one last piece. It was a special piece, newly made, delicately molded; a silver bracelet with a charming double twist to its smile. Immediately, the boy nodded. Yes! This was the one.

The ornament was happily purchased, paid for out of the boy’s own savings. Not long after, I found myself the speechless recipient of this priceless treasure. It was bundled up with a card adorned by a stunning painting of a horse, which is my favorite animal in all the world; the faithfully-written note inside showed evidence of tears. But the dear child did not stop even there.

As many of you know, I have been given the opportunity to record a song I have written. When this child learned of the upcoming recording, he instantly wrote me an email, the last part of which ran thus: “When is your birthday? I want to send you a gift on that day. I also need to know your address. You are very special to me. Do you still like your bracelet? I would like you to wear it on Saturday as you record your song so you know I am with you.”

Wow . . . With such a love, mountains indeed can be moved. Stone will turn to water, darkness will become daylight . . . and broken eagles will learn to fly again. This is the kind of love Jesus pours out so freely on us. Love that is perfectly sincere, faithfully selfless, and ready at a moment’s notice to again declare itself in honest-to-goodness truth. Love like the ocean: a stunning tapestry of living blues and greens on its surface - but, oh glorious more! - with unsounded depths waiting to be discovered underneath.

I lost no time in writing back to this child, this one who has displayed to me the same kind of love I see so clearly in my Savior, to tell him . . . yes, of course, I will wear the bracelet he gave me on Saturday . . . because I never take it off.