
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Only Tuesday

If you will kindly notice the new clock on the right-hand side of this page: That is the current time in Nairobi, Kenya, where I will be landing on Monday, April 23, at 9:00 p.m.  That’s 9:00 p.m. Kenya time.  I’m not sure what time that makes it here.  Anyhow, I thought the clock might be helpful.  For me possibly as much as for you.

I’m in the very beginning stages of planning.  Haven’t even thought about packing yet, except for my exceptionally handy travel pillow, complete with Tomater and Lightning McQueen on the cover. (Thanks, Chris!) But it’s only Tuesday.  I’ve got all sorts of time.

Here is the most recent update I can give you regarding my travel plans:

Step #1: I land in the airport in Nairobi, Kenya, at 9:00 p.m. on Monday, April 23.

(. . . Did I say that already? . . .)

Step #2: I fly out of Nairobi at 11:15 p.m. on Monday, May 14.

Step #1 1/2: Between April 23 and May 14 . . . God is going to do something amazing!  I just don’t happen to know what it is.

I am hoping to spend a week at the IDP camp outside of Nairobi with the AIM team, and then take a flight over to Uganda to spend two weeks learning as much as I can about child soldiers.  I’ve been given a few different contacts there who can help me learn more, and I am praying for the open doors God has in mind and closed doors everywhere else.

Oh, and it also “just so happens” that my church here in the booming metropolis of Central City is very much interested in international adoptions.  In fact, they’ve already picked out an orphanage.  Which is in Uganda.  Kampala.  Which is where I hope to be in somewhere just under two weeks.

So, if you’ve been thinking that I’m taking this whole randomness / Bohemian / spur-of-the-moment thing to an exaggerated level (Who buys a plane ticket to Africa a mere ten days before flying out?), rest assured - God had all this planned out before I was even born.  I’m quite sure I am exactly where He wants me to be.  I’m quite sure that in two-weeks time, the same will still be true.