
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Next Step

My ten-year high school reunion happened this year.  A few weeks ago, I think.  I’m not really sure.  I didn’t go. (Hey, give me a break.  I’m in denial.) The first two kindergartners I ever taught are sophomores in high school.  My one-year old pony is now eighteen.  Dude.  Talk about making a person feel old.

I think I’m supposed to have reached an age of maturity.  Gentle grace and unflustered poise.  Stableness.  Calmness.  Responsibility.  Ha.

Would you like to know what I’m doing with my life?  I did get back from Haiti five whole weeks ago, and I don’t think I’ve told hardly anyone yet.

I’m leaving again.  Thursday-ish.  (Yeah, I know that’s only three days from now.)

Maybe I’m being irresponsible.  Maybe I read too many missionary books.  Maybe I took the words of Jesus literally.  You better not ask me.  I don’t know the answer to a lot of things.  What I do know is that at church this last Sunday, my pastor closed with these words: “As the Father has sent Me, so am I sending you.”  It’s what Jesus said to His disciples after He rose from the dead.  When Pastor said that, I felt like Jesus was saying it to me.

Maybe I am crazy.

Or maybe I’m chasing a dream.  The deep, unspoken dream that God had in mind when He knit me together in my mother’s womb.  The path He’s carved out for my barefoot feet to follow.  The reason He put me here at all.

I’ve left home, family, horses, cornfields, lazy days, and a very cute dog a half dozen times.  I’m about to do it again.  Because my Lord and Savior is saying, “Come.  Follow Me.”

So, on Thursday, I’ll pack up my bags, hop in the car, wave goodbye to my puppy (whose 100 pounds, I’ve been told, aren’t very puppy-ish anymore), and head for Georgia.  Gainesville, Georgia.  AIM headquarters.  I’m scheduled to serve there for a week with a team of I’m not sure how many other people.  And then two ladies (Teri and Lisa), a 6-year old, and I are jumping in a van and heading out again.  Somewhere in the States.  Several somewhere’s, I think.  To see what God does next.

You might want to stay tuned.  I have every intention of sharing what happens in the coming six weeks.  I just have no idea what it will be.

(This is just a couple of the other places, I'd like to go...)