
Monday, February 4, 2013

Et Cetera

Just a little note from an artist who'd make a horrible detective.  I'm not saying y'all aren't observant or anything like that, but if you do happen to be like me and maybe don't always see the tiniest bits of change that take place on things like skies and faces and murder scenes and blog headings . . .

Up on the dark sea blue strip overhanging this post are two little words:  Et Cetera.

That might be only one little word.  I'm not really up on my Latin.


The two little words are my link to you and your link to my . . . creativity.  I'm really good at inventing new things.  Not like light bulbs or panty hose.  More like musicals and earrings.  I'm not so good at actually telling people that I've invented something.  Et Cetera is my new way to clue you in to what I'm currently inventing.

Consider yourself clued.

(Hint: If you're not seeing my Latin, you can click this word Here.)