
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Link to a Link to a Link?


Keeping up two blogs is exhausting.

Well, maybe it's not just the two blogs.  It might also have something to do with the directing and the nephews and the dog and the cardboard boxes and the cold I've been fighting (or not fighting...) for the last week and a half.

Does this sound familiar?  Am I repeating myself?

The good news is, the Internet has made it really easy to communicate without actually talking.

I've learned a trick.  It's all summed up in one word: Links.

This is my link for today: Click here

If you click on those little words, the Internet will somehow magically do whatever it does to send you over to my OTHER blog.  The Thorn Princess blog.  Where I'll probably be doing most of my writing over the next 6 weeks.  Or until the most epic fairytale of all time hits the stage in mid-November.

Just in case you were missing my voice.  My white on black, computer-screened, non-audible voice.

Welcome to the Age of the Virtual.