
Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Invitation

I’d like to invite you to something.

It’s not a graduation, a dinner, a wedding, a funeral, or a concert.

It most definitely is a performance.

It’s been a couple years, but we’re doing another play.  Because I have armloads of costumes hanging upstairs in my closet, and it would be a shame for them to go to waste.  Because we finally have a real performing arts center with a gorgeous stage, amazing lighting, and plush blue audience chairs right here in Central City.

Because we can.

Because my little sister Kristi has worked four years (or something like that) to become a nurse so she could move to Africa, and now God’s given her the opportunity to go.  One of those wide open doors with the angels singing.

And Africa is always a good excuse to do a play.

So, I am inviting you.  To be a part of something epic.

Trust me.

It’s going to be epic.

Unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.  Really.  You’ve never seen this.  No one has.  It just got written this past summer.  It’s a musical drama called The Thorn Princess, and it’s coming proudly to our theater sometime this Fall. (This is where all of you out-of-staters check your calendars and road maps and figure out a way to come join us for the performances.) Actually, you might have to give us a few weeks for the exact dates.  We’re shooting for late October - early November, but we haven’t ironed out the details yet.

What did you expect, putting a lost Bohemian in charge of this thing?

At present, we’re searching for talent.  Artists, actors, set builders, advertising pros, musicians, hairdressers, costume makers, sound system runners.




If you’re interested, contact me.  If you’re not interested but know someone who might be, contact them and then contact me.

This is the beginning of something amazing.