
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mariecia's Testimony

Yesterday Mariecia met us at the tent city.  She bounced - almost literally - up to us, grinned wide, and said something to the affect of, "Praise the Lord!  He answered your prayers for me, and now I have a testimony I would like to share with you."

I couldn't remember her face, much less the prayers we had supposedly prayed.  I thought she was mistaken.  I thought she had the wrong person.

Then she started talking.  Six weeks ago, we had come to the tent city and prayed with a mother whose daughter had just drunk bleach.  The daughter, Rita, was curled up on the bed, looking miserable (and no wonder!), slightly listless, and completely depressed.  Her father had died years ago, they lived in a tent, and there was no money to pay for her to go to school.  So, Rita decided to commit suicide.  Her mother saw us and asked us to come to her house and pray for her.  We did.  We spoke about hope and a future and God's power and the joy of the Lord.  Her mother sat opposite us and said "Amen" to most everything we said.  Then we left.

That was during my first week in Haiti.  Yesterday, Mariecia walked up to me and shared her testimony.  God had healed her daughter, she said.  They went to the hospital and got medicine for Rita, but she was still depressed and refused to take it.  So, her mother gave her water and prayed that God would bless it.  Today her daughter is healthy, seeking after God, and living in a real home.

Oh, yeah.  I forgot to say that we had also prayed that God would move Mariecia and her family out of the tent city into a real house.  Mariecia told us that there was an organization working to get people into homes of their own.  But the man in charge of the organization wanted money before he would get someone a house.  Mariecia doesn't have any money.  So she prayed.  The head of the organization got fired, and another man took his place.  This man doesn't require a bribe before providing a house.  This man found Mariecia and her children a place to live.

This is Mariecia's testimony.  This is how God has been good to her.  And we are witness to the fact that the joy of the Lord simply radiated from her face as she told us what He had done for her.

What is your testimony?