
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Okay, That Was Weird

Ever had one of those experiences where you just stop, raise your eyebrows in a sorta funny way, and think, "Okay, that was weird!" Had myself one of those just the other day. So, I was sitting there in the living room watching a very old black and white movie . . . and suddenly this Thing comes from absolutely nowhere, zips straight through the living room, and starts turning our dining room into a carosel-after-one-too-many-spoonfuls-of-sugar ride. This Thing tries a few rather wobbly circles right next to the ceiling, swoops down for another quick peek into the living room, then goes back to its carosel. It was a bat! In our house! Our nice, sort of modern, 20th century at least American house! How he got in, I'll never know. But he sure did have fun on that carosel ride. First, I screamed, which I think is what any self-respecting American girl would do. Then I ran for my camera and adroitly snapped several pictures (easier said than done when you're also diving for cover every time the Thing threatens to jump off his carosel and tackle you), which is what any self-respecting photographer would do. Finally stashing my prized picture taker in a relatively safe location, I turned to thoughts like, "Save the whales!" and talked my dad, who was trying to swat the Thing down with a broom, into shooing him out the door instead. Again, easier said than done. But in the end, the Thing, for better or worse, was saved...I got my rare and thrilling photographs...and now you get to read the story of it too! Not a bad way to spend an evening if you ask me.

The Thing

The Thing As Seen From the Eyes of My Rather Overactive Imagination (Dark, Vague, Sinister, and All That)